Zoléna's Poetry

Zoléna was born in Azeroth within the computer game World of Warcraft.
I am her as she is I.
Currently, I – we – hold poetry ceremonies in WoW. Outside of that game, I sometimes take requests. Sometimes I sell a book. Sometimes I make a dance video. Sometimes I do nothing, which is also something.
Should you need me as a poet at a festival or a market, send me an email and we'll work something out!!
Should you be interested in receiving my occasional musings and news when I publish something new on this page, sign up at the bottom!
Explorations of my mind, heart and soul. I send out these monthly(ish) through the newsletter you can subscribe to at the bottom of the webpage.
I love writing these, and now they also exist in audio form on Spotify! You can read, or listen to, past ones here.

Feel like a poem? I'll write one about anything you wish!
Well... almost anything. Even though I may be an infinite being, I still reside within the constraints of finite reality.
For example, I do not want to write in ill will against any being. But most things, I will write about: love, hate, light, dark, your soggy sink ... or perhaps about a lovely person you've just met?
Another idea is to surprise someone special to you. How lovely to receive a poem out of the blue! For these, we might need to go through more details if it's about someone's personality.
Language wise, you can choose between an English and a Swedish poem. Either a physical or a digital poem works.